Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy New Year! Really....I'm Serious

In the final hours of September 5, I'm realizing I'm 5 days behind on my New Year's resolution to write my blog more frequently.  "New Year's Resolution?" you say, with a question in your voice (you ARE saying it with a question in your voice, aren't you?)

Yes, in the "World According To Lisa," I look at your birthday as being your REAL "new" year and my birthday is in mid-August, so it always gets me thinking about what I'm going to do differently in the next year. Add to that the fact that I've never really moved past the idea of September being the start of a new year, going back to my school days, and you end up with me always with the feeling that things have a fresh start in September. 

My friend, Chloe, has to write a blog as part of her job, and her latest installment talks about how she's really good at procrastinating in 3 areas:  Calling her Mother, cleaning her house, and writing her blog.  When I read that, I laughed out loud as I'm right there with her on two of those.  Now me, I talk to my Mom nearly every day, so I can't join her on that one, but absolutely, I procrastinate on cleaning the house, and well, when you consider that I last wrote on May 31, you know I also have "Blog Commitment" issues as well.  Wouldn't you think that if we're not cleaning the house we should then clearly have time to write?  Wouldn't those go hand-in-hand?  You would think so, but I've not found that to be the case.

So, Chloe has made the same vow I have and that is to write frequently enough so that when we DO write, it's not about how long it's been since we last wrote.

Oh yeah, and I've also resolved to not put off the house-cleaning either.  Imagine that: I have a fully cleaned house AND I'm writing regularly.  That's a hard concept to grasp.  Maybe I'll just end up writing about what part of the house I just cleaned.  Riveting, huh? 

I've also made a resolution to fold and put away the laundry, to stop saving so many boxes all in the theory that one might be the "perfect" box for something next week (fell off the wagon on that one awhile ago,) and it seems like I made some other resolutions but they escape me at the moment.

See, if I had been writing about them, I would probably remember them!

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